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Spooky Run 5K
October 27th 2024
10AM - 12PM
Thank you to our sponsors!
Junior Goblin Run
9:30 AM in the
Nipmuc gym

The Witching Hour Race Day~ $35.00
Youth Runners (under 18) ~ $25.00
Junior Goblins! ~ $10.00

The Run
Run, Walk, or Roll your way through the 5K at the Spooky 5K Run dressed in your Halloween Costume! T-Shirts will also be provided via registration. The run path will monitored and have water stations.
WHERE: Nipmuc Regional High School - 90 Pleasant St, Upton MA 01568
Packet pickup opens at 8:30AM registration table
Costumes Encouraged
There's no shortage of creativity within our community! Participants of the Spooky 5K run are encouraged to dress in their favorite spooky attire as they run the course! Dress up solo or get a group costume together with your friends, family, or co-workers!
Interested in hosting a vendor booth at this event? Contact Gina and Victoria at

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